Thursday, February 21, 2019

School Headphones for Chromebooks

If you use Chromebooks in your school, you understand all of the benefits they can provide for you and your students. With the wide array of educational applications and multimedia programs, you now have the opportunity to cater curriculum to an individual students needs. We are always reading about new ways that teachers have been able to leverage these devices to make a positive impact in their classroom and we are again reminded how creative teachers can be!

There may be times where you prefer that your students use school headphones or school headsets with a mic for Chromebooks to help them focus on the activity and help reduce potential distractions which can be a challenge to overcome. This is where a technology coordinator can be extremely helpful. You can assess your needs and best determine what solution is right for your integration and applications.

Chromebooks are equipped with a single 3.5mm TRRS plug. This means that headphones and headsets with a 3.5mm plug are compatible. We have found that some teachers will prefer to have a school headset with microphone for their Chromebooks. If this is the direction that works for you, make sure it has a single TRRS plug. The single plug controls the headphones and microphone with a single plug. You are probably familiar with these if you have earbuds that are often included with mobile smart phones.

After you have decided between a headphone (without mic) or a headset (with mic) you will find a number of solutions that are designed for use in educational environments. You can select from in-ear and over-ear solutions depending on your preferences and requirements.

Some teachers will prefer earbuds with an in-line mic because they are lightweight and easy to store. Others prefer over-ear models which are more like traditional headphones and provide a different fit. They also allow a more precise placement of the microphone. Either way you decide to go, you want to help provide a comfortable listening experience. You may decide that a combination between these types is best for you to address individual preferences.

Learning Headphones has a number of affordable solutions that you can research for more information. If you have any questions, our friendly team would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Our goal is to help you find the the perfect solution that meets all of your requirements. We hope this information was helpful. Sincere thanks for reading our blog!

We provided some links below to get your started. Have a great week!
Disclaimer: Learning Headphones is not affiliated with Google or Google Chromebook. Chromebook is a trademark of Google Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.